

  • 2019 (Ph.D. (History) – Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
  • 2014 M.A. (History) – Carnegie Mellon University
  • 2011 B.A. – Lafayette College, Easton, PA: Major: Russian and East European Studies; Minor: German; Graduated Summa Cum Laude and with Departmental Honors. Class of 1910 History Prize and Rexroth German Prize recipient.

Employment Experience

  • Louisiana State University – Assistant Professor, Department of History, 2022 – present.
  • University of Pittsburgh – Digital History Postdoctoral Fellow, World History Center, July 2019 – 2022.
  • Carnegie Mellon University – Instructor of Record, History 79-266: “Russian History: From Communism to Capitalism,” August 2018 to December 2018.
  • Carnegie Mellon University – Teaching Assistant, Head Teaching Assistant, and Instructor, Department of History. August 2014 to December 2017.
  • GIS Mapping Research Assistant for Dr. Emanuela Grama, Carnegie Mellon University Department of History, May 2018.
  • St. Luke’s School, New Canaan, CT – Substitute teacher. November 2012 – May 2013.
  • Simbirsk Resource Center, Ulyanovsk, Russia – Volunteer English Teacher. November 2011 – June 2012.
  • Ulyanovsk State Technical University – Fulbright English Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Linguistics. September 2011 – June 2012.
  • Lafayette College – Writing Associate, Mentor Writing Associate, and Russian Tutor. August 2008 – May 2011.


Single Authored Books

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • 2024, “Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer.” With Ruth Mostern. In The Programming Historian, 2024-03-27, (https://doi.org/10.46430/phen0117).
  • 2023, “Peripheral Histories: Reflections on a Digital History Project in an Evolving Field.” With Catherine Gibson, Siobhán Hearne, Jo Laycock, Hanna Matt, and Alun Thomas. In Ab Imperio, 2023 (3): 245-253, (https://doi.org/10.1353/imp.2023.a915236).
  • 2022, “Bringing places from the distant past to the present: a report on the World Historical Gazetteer.” With Karl Grossner and Ruth Mostern. In International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2022-10-12, (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-022-00341-2).
  • 2022, “Find all the Places in Text with the World-Historical Gazetteer.” With Andrew Janco. In The Programming Historian, 2022-02-11, (https://doi.org/10.46430/phen0096).
  • 2022, “‘Victory or Siberia’: Imaginings of Siberia and the Memory of German POWs in the USSR.” In German History, 40 (1): 88-106, (https://doi.org/10.1093/gerhis/ghab088).
  • 2021, “Digital Spatial Methods for Soviet-German History: An Investigation of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956.” In Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung. Journal of East Central European Studies, 70 (3): 417-438, (https://doi.org/10.25627/202170311018).
  • 2021, “Reading Racial Discrimination in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens.” With Hilah Kohen, Katherine Reischl, Andrew Janco, and Antonina Puchkovskaia. In Slavic Review, 80 (2): 234-244, (https://doi.org/10.1017/slr.2021.78).

Book Chapters

  • In review, “German Prisoners of War and Soviet Forced Laborers: Understudied Members of the Soviet Working Class.” In Soviet Labor and Working Class History, edited by Emily Elliott and James Neally. Lexington Books.
  • Forthcoming 2025, “Memory and Space.” In Oxford Handbook of Spatial Humanities, edited by John Corrigan and Andrew Gardner. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Forthcoming 2025, “Soviet Policy towards German Prisoners of War During and After the Second World War.” In German-Soviet War, edited by Jeff Rutherford. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • 2022, “Applying Digital Methods to Forced Labor History: German POWs During and After the Second World War.” In Rethinking the Gulag, edited by Alan Barenberg and Emily Johnson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Book Reviews

  • 2024, Terra Incognita: Sistema natsistskix kontslageri na okkupirovannoi territorii Sovetskogo Soiuza (1941-1944 gg.) by Stanislav Aristov in Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 58, no. 3 (July), 351-353 (https://doi.org/10.30965/22102396-05803004).
  • 2023, Mapping Imagined Geographies of Revolutionary Russia: 1914-1922 by Edith Clowes et al in Slavic East European Journal 67, no. 3 (Fall), 398-399.
  • 2023, Die Frauen und Kinder deutscher Kriegsgefangener: Integriert, ignoriert und instrumentalisiert, 1941-1956 by Ann-Kristin Kolwes in German History, 41, no. 2 (June), 319-320 (https://doi.org/10.1093/gerhis/ghad003).
  • 2022, Stalin’s Italian Prisoners of War by Maria Teresa Giusti in Russian Review 81, no. 1 (January), 187.

Digital Projects

Podcast and YouTube Interviews

Online Publications

Teaching Modules


Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)

  • Title VIII Fellowship, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Summer Research Laboratory on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia, 2024.
  • Society for Military History Summer Seminar in Military History, 2024 [Declined].
  • Louisiana State University Office of Research & Economic Development Faculty Travel Grant, 2023.
  • Louisiana State University Humanities and Social Sciences International Conference Travel Grant, 2023.
  • Louisiana State University Society for Student Historians Rose Boneno Teaching Award, 2023.
  • First Book Subvention Prize from the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, 2023.
  • Finalist for Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize, 2020.
  • Honorable Mention for Society of Military History Edward M. Coffman Dissertation Prize, 2019.
  • Digital History Postdoctoral Associate, University of Pittsburgh World History Center, July 2019 – June 2022.
  • Goldman Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University, May 2019.
  • Department of History Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2019.
  • Kathryn W. Davis Graduate Student Travel Grant, Association of Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies, June 2018.
  • Central European History Society Travel and Research Grant. Awarded February 2018.
  • A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University. January 2018 – December 2018.
  • Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Scholar. October 2017 – June 2019.
  • Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Fellowship, Association of Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. September 2016 – June 2017.
  • A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University. January 2016 – December 2016.
  • Research Associate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Summer Research Laboratory on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. June 2015.
  • A.W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University. January 2015 – May 2015.
  • Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Scholarship, Ulyanovsk, Russia. September 2011 – June 2012.
  • Fulbright Critical Language Enhancement Award, Russian. September 2011 – April 2012.
  • United States Department of State Critical Language Scholarship, Russian, Declined in favor of Fulbright Scholarship. March 2011.

Program Review

Publication Review

  • 2023, Reviewer of article for German History
  • 2023, Review of book proposal for Bloomsbury Press
  • 2023, Reviewer of article for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • 2023, Reviewer of article for The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
  • 2023, Reviewer of article for WARLUX proceedings (https://www.c2dh.uni.lu/projects/warlux-soldiers-and-their-communities-wwii-impact-and-legacy-war-experiences-luxembourg) for publication with DeGruyter
  • 2023, Reviewer of manuscript for University of Toronto Press
  • Reviewer of article for Open Research Europe, 2022.
  • Reviewer of Stalin’s Italian Prisoners of War by Maria Teresa Giusti in Russian Review 81, no. 1 (January), 187, 2022.
  • Reviewer of article for Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 2021.
  • Reviewer of book proposal for Ibidem Verlag (Ibidem Press), 2021.
  • Reviewer of article for Journal of the History of Sexuality, 2020.

Invited Lectures

  • “The Soviet Female Snipers of World War II,” for the Women’s History Month Lecture, Southeastern Louisiana University, March 6, 2024.
  • “Spatial Semantics of Soviet Incarceration of German Prisoners of War, 1941-1956,” Invited Lecture at the University of Leipzig for the Collaborative Research Centre 1199: Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition, June 15, 2022.
  • “Introduction to Digital Humanities through Text Mining and Mapping,” with Andrew Janco, University of Toronto Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies Graduate Student Conference, March 3, 2022.
  • “Памяти Немецких Военнопленных в СССР и России (Memory of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union and Russia,” Invited remote lecture in Russian language for the Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, November 23, 2020.
  • “Digital Humanities and Digital Public History,” October 29, 2019 Guest Lecture at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
  • “The World Historical Gazetteer: Digital Public and World History,” October 28, 2019 Guest Lecture at the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • “Doing Historical Digital Mapping: The Soviet Union’s POW Archipelago,” March 28, 2019 hosted by the Department of History and Digital Scholarship Services of Skillman Library at Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
  • “Not One Step Back: Nazis, Gulags, and Grad School,” March 27, 2019 Phi Alpha Theta Keynote Address hosted by the Department of History at Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
  • “The American Educational System.” October 19, 2016 Guest lecture at the Russian-American Academic Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.
  • “America: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” September 14, 2016 at the 5th Ulyanovsk Youth Innovation Forum of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Russia.

Conference Presentations

  • Roundtable member “Conceptualizing and Developing DH Projects in Uncertain Times,” at the Association of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November 23, 2024.
  • Roundtable member “Spatial History and Digital Humanities: Landscape of Data and Tools for Mapping Decolonization,” at the Association of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 3, 2023.
  • Roundtable member “Decolonization in Digital Humanities,” at the Association of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 1, 2023.
  • “In Defense of Big Data: This History and Memory of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union,” at the German Studies Association (GSA) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 8, 2023.
  • “The Soviet Automotive Industry: Technology Transfer, Politics, and Culture,” at the Third European Conference for Automotive History, Torino, Italy, October 15, 2022.
  • Presentation of personal research agenda at “Food for Thought: Next Generation Scholarship in German Studies,” at the German Studies Association Conference, Houston, Texas, September 16, 2022.
  • “World Historical Gazetteer: Research Geodata Infrastructure,” with Karl Grossner at the OstData Workshop New Horizons for Research on and in Central and Eastern Europe” The Role of Research data Infrastructures, Brussels, February 15, 2022.
  • “Fearful Fantasy: Siberia and the Memory of German POWs in the USSR,” at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 2021.
  • “The World Historical Gazetteer,” with Karl Grossner and Ruth Mostern at the Linked Pasts 6, University of London and British Library (online), December 4, 10-11, 2020.
  • Roundtable member “Twitter Considered: On Its Advantages and Disadvantages for Academe, ASEEES, and Life,” at the Association of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference (online in lieu of Washington D.C.), November 7, 2020.
  • “Siberia: Mapping the Memories of German POWs in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956,” at the German Studies Association (GSA) conference (online in lieu of Washington D.C.), October 3, 2020.
  • “Who Let the War Dogs Out: Repatriating German Prisoners of War from the Soviet Union, 1945-1956,” November 24, 2019, at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, San Francisco, California.
    Panel Chair and Organizer for “Digital Humanities Pedagogy: How to Incorporate DH Tools and Resources in the Classroom,” November 23, 2019, at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, San Francisco, California.
  • “Digital Methods for Soviet-German History: The Case of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956,” November 7, 2019 at the “New Approaches in Central and East European History. The Digital and Spatial Turn,” Conference, Lüneburg, Germany.
  • “Digital Humanities, GIS, and New Understandings of Soviet History,” October 2019, at the “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space Conference,” Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • “From Motherland to Fatherland: The Repatriation of German Prisoners of War from the Soviet Union, 1945-1956,” April 6, 2019 at the Midwest Slavic Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • “Here, There, and Everywhere: German POW Camps in the USSR, 1941-1956,” December 6-9, 2018 at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • “When to Use GIS Mapping for Historical Research,” December 6-9, 2018 at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Panel Chair for “Emerging Methods in Spatial History,” November 8-12, 2018 at the Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • “Historical GIS and the Case of German POWs in the USSR, 1941-1956,” November 8-12, 2018 at the Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • “The Geography of German Prisoner of War Camps in the Soviet Union: Industry, Infrastructure, and the Environment,” October 10, 2018 at the Carnegie Mellon University Environmental Humanities Research Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Panel Chair for “Values After the Boom: International Youth Cultures in Late Divided Germany,” September 27-30, 2018 at the German Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • “Where in the USSR Were the German POWs, 1941-1956: A Historical GIS Analysis,” September 27-30, 2018 at the German Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • “From ‘War Dogs’ to Mourned Men: Commemoration of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union and Russia.” March 25, 2018 at the Midwest Slavic Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • “German POWs in the USSR, 1941-1956: A GIS Analysis.” January 26, 2018 at the Socialist Studies Seminar hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University Department of History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • “Tracing German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956.” November 10, 2017 at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
  • “Память о немецких военнопленных в СССР и России.” (“Memory of German Prisoners of War in the USSR and Russia.”) September 26, 2017 at the conference “Russia in the World. Western Russian Studies: Modern Tendencies,” hosted by the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Presentation given in Russian.
  • “Assessing the Economic Contribution of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956.” January 5, 2017 at the International and Business Conference (IBEC) at Austral University of Chile at Puerto Montt, Puerto Montt, Chile. Awarded Best Paper Prize at conference.
  • “German POWs in the Soviet Gulag: Mapping Their Experiences, 1941-1956.” June 22, 2016 at the Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • “Mapping German POWs in the Soviet Gulag, 1945-1956.” June 14, 2016 at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium at the University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
  • “German Prisoners of War in the Gulag, 1943-1956.” March 28, 2015 at Carnegie Mellon Department of History Graduate Forum, Pittsburgh, PA. Presentation of Research Seminar work.
  • “The Rocky Road to Modernity: Global Technology Trade and the Soviet Automotive Industry.” April 1, 2011 at the 25th National Conferences on Undergraduate Research held at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. Presentation of Honors Thesis.
  • “57 Soccer Balls in the Trunk: The Development of East and West-German Automotive Industries.” March 26, 2011 at the Undergraduate Research Conference in German Studies held at Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA. Ehrenpreis (Honorary Award) given for paper presentation.


  • “Introduction to Digital Humanities” and “Introduction to ArcGIS Online and ESRI Story Maps” for the Howard University Undergraduate Think Tank to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies (Summer 2021, Summer 2022, Summer 2023, Summer 2024)
  • Roundtable Member, “Primary Sources and Teaching Strategies,” for Teaching European History across Borders Workshop, University of Manchester, March 20, 2024
  • “Introduction to QGIS,” with Boris Michev at Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022)
  • “ArcGIS Online and ESRI Story Maps,” with Boris Michev at Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh (Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022)
  • “Introduction to ArcGIS Pro,” with Boris Michev at Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh (Spring 2022)
  • “Introduction to ArcGIS Analysis,” with Boris Michev at Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh (Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
  • “Introduction to ArcGIS,” with Boris Michev at Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh (Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
  • “GIS and Text Analysis Hackathon,” event for GIS Day 2020, with Susan Lucas (Fall 2020)
  • “Geospatial Mapping,” for “Mapping Loss in the Anthropocene,” University of Pittsburgh World History Center and Global Studies Center (Fall 2020)
  • “Mapping and GIS” THATCamp Pittsburgh 2018, Carnegie Mellon (Spring 2018)

Research Experience

  • Russia: The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), the Russian State Economic Archive (RGAE), the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AVP RF), the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI), the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI), the State Archive of Contemporary History of the Ulyanovsk Region (GANI UO), Research Institute of History and Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region in the name of N.M. Karamzin, and the Memorial Museum of German Anti-Fascists Archive.
  • Germany: The Federal Military Archive (BA-M), the Federal Archive – Foundation Parties and Mass Organizations of the GDR (BA-SAPMO), the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office (PA AA), the Archive of the German Caritas Association (ADCV), the Evangelical Central Archives in Berlin (EZA), and the German Red Cross Archive (DRK).
  • United States: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the Hoover Institution Library and Archives.

Academic Societies

  • Association of Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies.
  • German Studies Association.
  • Society for Military History.
  • SlavicDH – Board member of SlavicDH since November 2017.
  • Dobro Slovo, National Slavic Honor Society, inducted April 2011.
  • Delta Phi Alpha, National German Honor Society, inducted March 2011.
  • Phi Beta Kappa, inducted May 2010.

Language Certifications

  • Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (ТРКИ) Level II (Advanced).
  • ALTA Level 9 Russian (Advanced).

